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Campaign Cartographer 3

The last serial number for this program was added to our data base on January 12, 2019

188 visitors told us the serial is good, 181 guys said the number is bad

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Campaign Cartographer 3 (CC3) from ProFantasy is a powerful yet versatile mapping program that allows you to create detailed, custom maps for your roleplaying campaigns. With this software, you can create anything from world maps to dungeon plans and cityscapes, all with the same level of detail and accuracy. Whether you're a veteran cartographer or just getting started, CC3 offers an intuitive user interface to help make the process easier. You can customize the look of your maps with a variety of styles and textures, or simply use the pre-made elements provided in the library. You can also add notes, labels, symbols, and other features to your maps to further customize them to your own needs. With CC3, you have complete control over your artwork and are only limited by your imagination.

The ProFantasy Campaign Cartographer 3 includes a vast array of drawing tools, allowing you to quickly sketch out your map ideas. Using the symbol tools, you can easily add symbols, labels, and notes to give your map more detail and personalization. Once you’re done with your initial design, you can then use the zoom and rotate options to get a better view of the map or to adjust the angle of your map. The CC3 also offers various export options so you can share your maps with others or even import them into other programs.

When it comes to creating symbols, CC3 makes it easy to find the perfect element to represent different items on your map. The library contains a wide range of symbols and textures, including trees, mountains, roads, rivers, and buildings. The ProFantasy Campaign Cartographer 3 also includes a variety of tools for editing existing symbols, as well as adding new ones. You can easily resize, rotate, and flip symbols, as well as change the color and texture of them.

If you’re looking for even more customization, CC3 includes an array of advanced tools, such as layer settings, rules, and brush effects. The layer settings allow you to easily move and manipulate individual elements, while the rules tool allows you to apply a variety of effects to a selection of elements. The brush effects, meanwhile, enable you to create patterns and shapes with ease.

The ProFantasy Campaign Cartographer 3 also features several utilities that make working with the program easier. For example, the copy/paste utility makes it easy to duplicate elements, while the search tool enables you to quickly locate specific symbols and objects. Additionally, it includes a spell-checker and a “snap to grid” feature, as well as a variety of print and export options.

Overall, the ProFantasy Campaign Cartographer 3 is an excellent choice for creating detailed and professional-looking maps. It offers an intuitive user interface, a wide range of symbols and textures, and powerful drawing and editing tools. There are also a variety of useful utilities and export options, making it easy to share and print your maps. Whether you’re a veteran cartographer or just getting started, CC3 is the perfect program for bringing your creative visions to life.

Last updated: 2023-08-07

Full numbers available only on desktop computers

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Campaign Cartographer 3
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