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One of Call of Duty's biggest cheat makers has been sued for $3 million

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Activision, the developer of the popular Call of Duty franchise, has filed a lawsuit against one of the biggest cheating makers in the game, Engineowning. Engineowning is accused of creating cheats and hacks that allowed players to gain an unfair advantage in the popular Warzone game, resulting in a $3 million lawsuit. The latest lawsuit comes amidst a surge of cheating in Call of Duty games, with many players using sophisticated tools to gain a competitive edge.

The lawsuit, filed by Activision in 2021, claims that Engineowning created and distributed numerous cheats for Warzone, which allowed users to gain an unfair advantage over other players. This included aimbotting, wallhacks, and other cheating techniques. Furthermore, the lawsuit states that Engineowning actively promoted its services on social media, encouraging more players to cheat. In addition, the lawsuit notes that Engineowning's services had a “direct and actual impact” on the gaming experience of legitimate players, resulting in economic loss for Activision.

Engineowning responded to the accusations, claiming that it was not responsible for any cheating or cheating-related activity. It argued that it only creates software for users to better understand the game mechanics, and does not actively promote cheating or encourage users to use cheats. Nonetheless, the court sided with Activision and issued a ruling in favor of the game maker. The ruling further stated that Engineowning must pay out $3 million in damages.

The lawsuit marks one of the largest ever taken against cheating in Call of Duty games. The ruling also sets a precedent for future actions against cheating makers in Call of Duty games. Moving forward, other cheating makers such as Engine Owning Warzone 2 and The Big Cheat could face similar lawsuits from Activision. In a statement, Activision warned other cheating makers that it will take legal action against those who are found to be aiding cheating in its games.

Cheating in Call of Duty games can have serious consequences for both the game maker and its players. Cheaters can ruin the reputation of the game and cause players to lose interest in playing. As such, Activision is taking a strong stance against cheating makers, sending a message that cheaters will not be tolerated. For now, it looks like Engineowning will have to bear the brunt of Activision's wrath and pay out the hefty sum of $3 million.

Last updated: 2023-04-27

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One of Call of Duty's biggest cheat makers has been sued for $3 million
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